3Group Awarded Toitū Carbonreduce Certifications for Outstanding Commitment to Sustainability

We are thrilled to announce that 3Group has achieved Toitū carbonreduce certifications, affirming our steadfast commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. This significant achievement reflects the concerted efforts of our entire organisation to reduce carbon emissions across all facets of our operations. Each of our subsidiaries – D3 Development, C3 Construction and B3 Buildings – has been independently verified as actively reducing their carbon footprint, a testament to our unified approach to building a greener future.

A Commitment to Sustainability Across Our Group

D3 Development: As a leading developer, D3 Development has long recognised the importance of integrating sustainable practices into every stage of our projects. From initial planning and design to construction and maintenance, our goal has always been to minimise environmental impact while delivering high-quality, sustainable developments. The Toitū carbonreduce certification highlights our success in implementing effective carbon management strategies, ensuring that our developments like Oaken Residences (6Star HomeStar) in Howick and Asmuss Warehouse (5Star GreenStar) are not only economically viable but also environmentally responsible.

C3 Construction: The construction industry is often seen as a significant contributor to carbon emissions. However, C3 Construction has embraced this challenge, adopting innovative techniques and materials to reduce our carbon footprint. Through meticulous planning, efficient resource use, landfill diversion initiatives, and the adoption of an electric vehicle fleet, we have managed to significantly lower our emissions. This certification is a recognition of our proactive approach to sustainability, demonstrating that construction can indeed be a force for positive environmental change.

B3 Buildings: For B3 Buildings, sustainability is at the heart of our fitout and maintenance services. We understand that the operational phase of buildings can have a substantial environmental impact, so we work with clients to maximise the reuse of existing building elements, minimising waste to landfill as well as encouraging the upgrade to energy efficient systems. The Toitū carbonreduce certification underscores our commitment to maintaining high standards of sustainability throughout the lifecycle of our properties.

3Capital: The most recent arm of 3Group, 3Capital plays a crucial role in driving our sustainability agenda. By funding projects and initiatives that prioritise low carbon outputs, 3Capital ensures that our investments align with our environmental goals. This certification acknowledges our efforts to integrate sustainability into our financial strategies, supporting projects that contribute to a more sustainable future.

Looking Forward

The Toitū carbonreduce certifications are not just a milestone; they are a stepping stone towards our ongoing journey of sustainability. We are immensely proud of this achievement, but we recognise that there is always more work to be done. Moving forward, we will continue to seek innovative solutions and collaborate with stakeholders to further reduce our carbon footprint.

At 3Group, we believe that a sustainable future is possible, and we are committed to leading the way. We thank our dedicated team, partners, and clients for their continued support as we work together to build a greener, more sustainable world.