3Group achieves NZ’s first greenstar 5 certification under v1.1 guidelines

3Group and Awatoru Property are thrilled to announce that the Asmuss warehouse and office property development in South Auckland has become the first building project in New Zealand to achieve a 5 Green Star design rating under the New Zealand Green Building Council’s (NZGBC) groundbreaking v1.1 guidelines.


This achievement marks a significant milestone not only for our organisations but for sustainable building practices in New Zealand as a whole. The transition from v1.0 to v1.1 guidelines set forth by the NZGBC has been nothing short of revolutionary, with emphasis placed on critical aspects such as carbon reduction and mandatory assessment of climate risk.

The guidelines for assessment for a Green Star building include comprehensive criteria covering management, indoor environment quality, energy, transport, water, materials, land use and ecology, emissions, and innovation. This holistic approach ensures that buildings like the Asmuss  warehouse and office  property development are not only environmentally sustainable but also promote occupant health and wellbeing while minimising their ecological footprint.

About Awatoru Property
A property investment partnership between ACC and 3Capital, Awatoru Property is committed to the long term ownership and management of properties that not only deliver financial returns but also contribute positively to the environment and the communities in which they operate. The 5 Green Star design rating for the Asmuss office and warehouse property development is a testament to this commitment.

At 3Group, sustainability has always been a core value in our development projects. From conception to completion, we have strived to integrate environmentally friendly practices into every aspect of the Asmuss property development. This achievement would not have been possible without the dedication of our team across the group. A huge thank you is due to everyone involved from D3 Development, C3 Construction and 3Capital who have worked tirelessly to ensure that our vision of sustainable design is realised.

Furthermore, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the New Zealand Green Building Council for their guidance and support throughout this process. Their commitment to advancing green building standards has been instrumental in driving positive change within the construction industry.

We are immensely proud of this achievement and look forward to continuing our efforts to create sustainable, innovative, and environmentally responsible developments in New Zealand.

Please contact us for any more information.